Does anyone have a guide to setup my Shapeoko 3 XXL in fusion? Everything that i have found is from a previous version of fusion and I cant figure out how to put in the machine dimensions. I would really prefer not to crash my machine in possible.
Short version, use Neil’s machine model, or the generic 3 axis milling model from Autodesk.
Fusion won’t stop you running the Shapeoko into it’s endstops though, I think it expects the machine to know it’s limits. Carbide motion won’t either, so it’s on you to check you’re machining within the travel limits, good news is that it’s really not particularly bad except for the noise the stepper motors make and your own embarrasment.
You’ll make mistakes, we call the base the spoilboard for a reason and you may break a cutter or two as well, IMHO, crashing a small CNC is a right of passage, glad I did it on a machine like the SO3 that wasn’t damaged and not a really big expensive one.