Hey guys -
I have an arched back-plate for a guitar modelled in Rhino, have imported it into Vectric Aspire but I’m having issues trimming the outer region outside of my guitar perimeter. I’m guessing it’s a simple setting from within Aspire but regardless of the selections and combos I’ve made, I can’t seem to dial this in.
Create a concave back plate carved into MDF
Have the ‘boundary’ area match the z-height of the bottom of my plate. I don’t want this to be a perimeter cut that goes right through.
I’ll be using this plate to form a 3-ply veneer to be vacuum pressed so I need the outer region to match up with the recurve height.
I’m using a 3/4" ball-nose bit for a roughing bass and a 1/4" ball-nose for my finishing pass.
The only workaround I can think of is to extend a boundary from within Rhino to match my board dimensions of app 2’ x 2’ but think there must be an easy way to do this from within Aspire.
I don’t use Aspire so someone else may jump in and explain how to do this with a specific setting in the 3D toolpath parameters, but if I understand your usecase correctly, I would do it as you mentioned:
use/draw a large rectangle, the size of your stock
select both that and the boundary of the back plate (if that’s selectable, else re-create it somehow, I guess rhino can export an SVG of that or something?)
create a 2D pocket toolpath with those 2 shapes selected, and set total cut depth such that it matches the z-height of the boundary
Not sure if that would be a workaround, or just making your life easy
I don’t have Aspire in front of me, but there is a tool icon towards the top right, in the sculpting tab, that will create a vector outline of your model. Maybe this is what you want? Using that created vector, you can profile to a specific depth with your toolpath options.
Thanks Julien - this makes sense to me. However, when I choose my imported model of the back plate, and the perimeter rectangle I drew (same size as my workpiece boundary 2’x2’), it doesn’t create a pocket. I’m thinking it may need a vector (vs the model itself)… trying to find a way to generate a vector from within Aspire but may have to import that from Rhino as well.
I’ll update here when I find a solution that works. Thanks for your tips.