Shapeoko 3 Bitrunner


Was wondering if anyone has a Shapeoko 3 with a bitrunner and can take a picture of the wire harness connections so I can see the wire color code pattern on both ends. My harness broke at the connector, and I need to see which wires go were.

Thank you for your support. and help on this matter.

Is there enough of the wire poking from the connector that you can see the colors when zooming in using the camera on tour phone? I was able to do that on a small connector for a quilting machine for my grandmother. Also which connector are you referring to?

Unfortunately I cannot, they broke right at the terminal. I am looking for the connectors that are for the Bitrunner controller wire harness.

Thank you for you help.

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Here i hope this helps

This set is where the wires plug into the bit runner module itself the first is where they plug into the control board. Not sure which end you need so here is both

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