Anyone heard any news on the future of the Carbide 3d probe for the Shapeoko 3?
Yes @robgrz, please, give us a little update.
August 18th + 6 weeks = Sept 29.
Sept 29 to now = 15 additional weeks.
Going on 22 weeks since announcement without any info. This time next month and it’ll be half a year.
Did this project fail? Too expensive? Too unreliable? Too little interest? Too much else going on?
It doesn’t need to be complicated, just a quick update.
Most likely they’re all hands on deck for GRBL 1.1 release. Small team, can’t R&D everything at once. Plus, you want to be stable at Carbide Motion 4.0 before investing time into programming all the probing routines into the program…
Development ALWAYS takes longer than you think… and as Winston mentions, GRBL 1.1 is all encompassing with the large collection of infrastructure and tool-chain tweaks C3D has outlined in the 2017 post. I’m looking forward to active probing finally being integrated into Carbide Motion workflow, having been spoiled by Estlcam.
Sure, I get that. None-the-less, I think 30 seconds to post, “Sorry, this is going to take longer than we though. We’ll update in Feb 2017” would not distract from the core mission at hand.