Shapeoko 3 XL + XXL Progress

You are proud owner of a Unicorn. An XXXL so you are now triple X rated. Good Luck with it. Now what are you going to cut on it?

XXX?? Not sure what you mean, I’ll have to search that up…

I could cut a big wavy flag :face_vomiting: or a Home Sweet Home sign :face_vomiting:.

Actually, no real plans for it, I thought it might be nice if I ever needed it. Kinetic sculptures ?

That’s awesome!

You could make some tall Bozo Buckets :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or some very very large red shoes…

I admit I saw that show and I wanted to play the bucket game to win all those cool prizes. There was always some turd of a kid who would blow the second bucket. Too funny. Had to yell,“You Idiot!” at the TV every time. Must have been like 1972.

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