I have a Shapeoko 3 XXL frame/rails with the original Z, plus a CNC4Newbie linear Z replacement for sale. I downsized and used the original electronics for another project. This is a good opportunity to upgrade to an XXL! Selling from Milwaukee, WI. Local pickup is a must. Parts are a little too large to ship. I have an aluminum wasteboard made as well thats available. All the electronics, spindle, chain, belts are not included. Pictures available by request.
What are the prices?
The linear Z is $200. The frame is $350, that’s doesn’t include the aluminium waste board.
Are these still available & what are you asking for the aluminum waste board? Assuming(?) the aluminum waste board is for a 3XXL
Yeah its all available. The waste board i’ll throw in for $150 with the rest. Its all hand drilled so the 1/4-20 taps arent perfectly spaced. It is ATP-5 plate aluminum is 2 pieces tapped to fit the XXL.
Ok. Would you consider $600 cash for all three and breaking down the XXL to its component parts?
I could be there sometime in the afternoon on the 14th: I coming from Detroit.
PM’d to make thing a little easier
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