Starter up my Shapeoko today after updating software and started getting a GRBL Error when trying to initialize the machine.
“GRBL Error: Homing Failed, pull off didn’t clear”
This error is immediately followed by
“Homing cycle failed”
I’m not sure what to do about it, since without the machine being initialized I have no access to any of the manual controls to jog the machine around. I also do not have the most experience in the world with this machine, so my trouble shooting knowledge is limited.
Does the machine make an ugly grinding sound when you initialize ?
Did you send the machine configuration from the Settings page in Carbide Motion ? (which is accessible even before initializing)
Can you maybe grab a video of the initialization and upload a link here ?
Homing issues are most often due to a problem in the wiring or positioning of the homing switches (or of wiring of the stepper motors themselves)
I did a soft reset of the software and reinstalled my machine, which cleared out my original settings. I also adjusted/tightened my prox sensors and everything was resolved.