Shapeoko 3 XXL GRBL Homing Error

Starter up my Shapeoko today after updating software and started getting a GRBL Error when trying to initialize the machine.

“GRBL Error: Homing Failed, pull off didn’t clear”

This error is immediately followed by

“Homing cycle failed”

I’m not sure what to do about it, since without the machine being initialized I have no access to any of the manual controls to jog the machine around. I also do not have the most experience in the world with this machine, so my trouble shooting knowledge is limited.

Please help!

Hi @TheDAPerry,

Does the machine make an ugly grinding sound when you initialize ?
Did you send the machine configuration from the Settings page in Carbide Motion ? (which is accessible even before initializing)
Can you maybe grab a video of the initialization and upload a link here ?

Homing issues are most often due to a problem in the wiring or positioning of the homing switches (or of wiring of the stepper motors themselves)



I did a soft reset of the software and reinstalled my machine, which cleared out my original settings. I also adjusted/tightened my prox sensors and everything was resolved.

Thanks for the help!


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