I opened the OPEN FIRST box. No manual. I went to Carbide website. No assembly manual for 4 Standard. Only XL and XXL. And the parts are different. My box has two thin black pieces that attach to the ends of the horizontal cross pieces. Basically step 1. The manual shows these think black pieces as rectangles with four 90-degree corners and straight sides. Mine have one corner clipped and along one edge there’s a cutout - kind of like an elongated half-circle. There’s no indication as to the orientation. Do the clipped corners point inside or outside? Do they go at the front or back? Do the half-circle cutouts point inside or outside?
Welcome jac. Your best bet here is to contact C3D support, they’ll help you out.
I noticed the same, but ended up using the XL instructions to guide me. It was pretty much the same except with how drag chains are installed on the gantry.
how did the assembly go? I’m assuming by now you mustve figured it out.
Got it figured out. A bit frustrating with a manual for a different product that has outdated photos of now-updated parts and no mention of us allowed to shorted drag chains. Been using it and it’s awesome, but they need to hire a tech writer to update the manuals.
i agree. the drag chains were very confusing. good to hear you got it sorted out.
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