Shapeoko 4 xxl gantry movement "catching/grinding"

I have a 4 XXL and a 5 pro. On the 4 XXL - when I push the gantry rail forward/backward with any pressure, it “sounds like” it is catching/skipping/grinding. tried to upload a video, but they are too large. it seems like it is coming from the motors, but not sure. We cut mostly 1/4" aluminum - machine has probably 200 hours on it.
Anybody else have this issue, or know where I might start?

Please do not push/pull the machine any more than is absolutely necessary — the stepper motors function as generators and there is a possibility of pushing up enough current to the controller to damage it.

How does the machine function?

To verify the SO4 motors/stepper drivers, power down, remove both Y-axis belts, put a bit of tape on the pulleys so as to more easily see their rotation, then power up, connect, and try initializing — Z should home as normal, as will X, but the Y-axis motors should turn until they time out — do they turn evenly and in synch?

Power down and reinstall the Y-axis belts after inspecting — if okay, swap side-for-side and end-for-end.

If there is a problem, let us know the specifics and we will look into this with you.

OK - i’ll try that - and this noise was happening while the machine was running - I was just trying to re-create/isolate where the noise was coming from…
The CNC operator is out today, so I will get additional info on Mon.

An SO4 is a belt driven machine. As @WillAdams indicated if you push the gantry too fast the stepper motors create EMF (ElectroMotive Force) and that sounds like the belts are slipping. That only happens when you push the gantry too fast. If this is happening during running then check that all your pulleys have their set screws tight and one of them (of 2) is over the flat on the stepper motor. Most people put a black mark across the end of the pulley and stepper motor shaft to give them a quick visual indication if the pulley has gotten loose. Inspect your belts because over time the belts can become damaged. C3D has over the years had fibergass reinforced belts and at times sent out steel belted belts. The ones with steel seem to fail and look distorted or pulled apart. You can just turn the belts over without taking them off to inspect them. On occassion the stepper motor electrical connections can come loose so check all your connectors are tight and the individual wires in each side of the connectors are pushed in all the way and latched into place.

With the power off you can move an SO4 back and forth slowly and it should move smoothly. If you have any rough spots find out what that is. The SO4 uses v-wheels to ride on and you may have dirty and/or broken/distorted v-wheels. So look over the v-wheels carefuly and if necessary clean them with a stuff nylon brush to get any imbeded dirt/sawdust. You can lift each end of t he gantry and you should not really get any movement. If required you loosen the lower v-wheel bolts and adjust the eccentric with a wrench until it is snug, not tight, and hold the wrench on the eccentric and tighten up the bolt. If you do not hold the eccentric in place the torque of tightening the bolt will overtighten the v-wheels. There are 6 adjustable v-wheel in all, 2 on each end of the gantry (4) and 2 on bottom of the Z. The upper v-wheels are not adjustable. Inspect those for dirt and/or damage. The v-wheels are replaceable but you need to have the maintenance kit or buy the v-wheels from C3D.

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