Shapeoko 5 Pro Maintenance - Lubricating Lower Z Axis Bearings - How!?


Does anyone have a more detailed reference guide for oiling the bearings on the S5P? All of the guides are very VERY general and don’t detail things like ;

How the hell you’re supposed to get to the bottom bearing lubrication hole on the Z Axis…

Do I take it apart? Do I not? What happens after I refit it? Do I need to tram it all again? Seems excessive…

The guidance for the S5P is shockingly bad. Carbide3D - please sort it! Should be done on launch.


There are a few posts where people have asked the same question regarding how to get oil in there, and Carbide state that we should be able to get oil in there without disassembly - however, i’m no gravity expert but if I remove the bottom screws and try to force oil in there it’s not going to work.

So what is the solution?

Carbide3D - Grace us with the knowledge that you seem to be ducking.

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Some folks have loosened the top linear bearing blocks for better access (leaving it on the rail and then sliding the mechanism lower for better access) — the oil seems to be sufficiently viscous that I was able to trap a bit in the tip of an applicator and then force it up against gravity the one time I needed to lubricate — the other thing which seems to help is that if one starts with the Z-axis at the bottom and overfills the top blocks they will apparently leave enough oil on the rails to contribute some lubrication to the lower blocks.

Maybe @Luke has a better suggestion, or can find the photo (or will advise against what it shows)

I have a tray I put under the axis and just remove the bottom screw, push some in with a plastic syringe, and quickly install the screw. It’s thick enough that most stays in if I’m quick.


I dont have an SO5 but an SO3 XXL with HDZ. I just take the whole Z assembly off and turn it upside down and insert the Mobil Vactra #2 oil. I let it sit upside for about 10 minutes and hit it again. Put the set screw back in.

After lubricating the bearings oil will drip down the rails and onto projects and/or the spoilboard. So wipe off the excess and before starting a project wipe off the bottom of the rails. Then when parking for the night put a paper towel under the Z to keep any oil from running down on to the machine spoilboard. It usually quits after a few days.

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Yes I finally have machine purring and need to do some lubing this weekend. what is recommended for these machines? As far at type and Brand.

So where do you buy the Vectra Oil at?

It’s tough to find in small quantities. I had to buy 2 pints off eBay and that should last me 3 lifetimes.

Sometimes Carbide has smaller quantities in stock in a maintenance kit.

And it’s Vactra, not Vectra for when you are searching.


Mobil Vactra No. 2 Way Oil:

available in pints from Amazon:

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I will order some now, Grandpa had stacks of oil in the barn. He always said better to have to much then not enough. Then again I think he just used changing oil on everything as an excuse to get away from Grandma, lol

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ordering now. This pro is hummin now. need another :slight_smile: hummin in a good way I should ad, making product and staying solid

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I would also like some S5P maintenance information that isn’t all text. A 2-10 minute video from carbide would be an easy solution, as some of us are visual learners and would like information pertaining to their specific CNC. Not sure why a clear video hasn’t been made yet by carbide or youtubers on this.


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