Shapeoko and Segmented Turning Wedgie

I made a Wedgie Sled and have the Wedgies for segmented turning. I have worked up a procedure for making the sled and the design spec and how to design the sled in Carbide Create.

Is there interest in my sharing this for those that want to turn segmented pieces. I have wanted to get back to turning for some time but my Shapeoko has dominated my shop time for the last year. I made the sled and documented the procedure and have cut a test bowl got the individual rings glued up so far. I had bought the segment stomper some time back and want to get that set up.

I do want to incorporate my Shapeoko to cut a hole in the bottom but not just a round hole a patterned hole like a cloud or other abstract object and the corresponding plug similar to vcarve inlay.

Let me know if there is any interest.


I’d be interested β€” if nothing else, I think it’d be a great way to use up small scraps β€” anything of an appropriate size gets cut to a segment size/shape.

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My first draft of how to design and make a custom Wedgie Sled is attached. Please give me any feed back on the document. I have tried to explain how to design your own version of the sled with the explanation of the design of the sled. Also attached are the 3 files I created to make my own custom Wedgie Sled. Enjoy
Wedgie_Sled_Build.pdf (816.1 KB)
wedgie_sled_base_bottom_01302021.c2d (285.2 KB)
wedgie_sled_base_top_01312021.c2d (27.8 KB)
wedgie_sled_fences_01302021.c2d (14.0 KB)


Thank you for this @gdon_2003!

Thank you. Great Idea.

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