Shapeoko Pro 5 & Kreg 64" X 64" table

I am looking into buying the Shapeoko 5 Pro 4’ X 4’ machine. I am planning on using the Kreg 64" X 64" table. Will I need to run cross braces midway through for the mounting of my top? It seems to me an unsupported span of 64" could lead to considerable deflection of the top. I was thinking I could use a couple of 2" X 4" as stringers across the top. I would be sure to notch the ends to allow for the thickness of the Kreg table supports so the 2" X 4" would be level with the top of the table supports.

Thank you,

Some folks have complained about rocking when cutting and diagonal braces have been the suggested solution.

Here some photos that might help.


I am using the Kreg table for by Shapeoko 5 Pro 4x2. I have a 3/4" plywood top, and I did support it with notched cross members (see below).

I think what Will is talking about is something different. When cutting, the table can “rack” back and forth or side to side. In that case, you may want to add diagonal cross members between the front and back legs, etc.

I haven’t done that yet but probably will. There are pre-cut holes in the Kreg legs (you can actually see a few in the attached picture), and I think I can get a piece of flat steel to brace the span, which should probably be enough? To be honest the racking doesn’t bother me, and it doesn’t seem to effect the accuracy of the cuts.

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@ Jonathan_Blank, with your current build, is the table sturdy as configured?

Yes. Works great. I’ve had no problems with support.

It wiggles n jiggles. For the price its okay. I got the wheels on it now but plan to put the feet on along with extra bracing

To this day we use the KREG table. It comes down to speed of setup and mobility. Everything we’ve made with Shapeoko 5 has been made on that table.
You can definitely stiffen the overall frame. We have plans for cabinets build under and bolted to the steel frame. The more points of contact you bolt into the frame the stiffer it becomes. Our underside shelves are bolted to the frame.
The table does wiggle slightly, but that means nothing for the machine. The Shapeoko is a closed system. Lock the casters, stiffen the frame if you want and enjoy quickly getting your machine set up.
(Be sure and brace the underside of your tabletop, as shown above and in our original video)

I have a Shapeoko 5 Pro 2’ X 4’ and I used the Rockler table system, but the principles should apply to your situation.

A few cross braces and/or double thickness plywood for the top would help with sagging. But I don’t think sagging is much of an issue because the weight of the machine is supported along its outer perimeter.

Actual movement of the table seems to me to be more of a concern, and I think stiffening the sides of the table legs contribute a lot to resisting rocking or racking of the support during high-speed movement of the carriage.


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