Shapeoko Pro XXL cutting deeper than setting?

Is anyone having trouble with the CNC cutting deeper than programmed? I have spent ~3 hours on the phone with support verifying all of my settings and zeroing process. I have been reassured that everything is set correctly, but when I execute a pocket cut (in this case) for .25, my systems cuts to .375. We (support and I) have tried different programs, depth settings, software versions (both Create and Motion), but nothing fixes the problem.

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Which Z-axis does your machine have? Z-Plus?

Which Z-axis have you configured for? HDZ?

How are you managing tool changes?

Where do you have the retract/safety height set to in the file?

How are you setting the origin? Are you using a BitZero? Probing for which axes? Positioned where? Cutting 0.125" too deep can be caused by positioning at a corner as for probing all 3 axes, but probing only for Z.


If you continue to have difficulties, post your .c2d file, step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and managing all tool changes and a photo showing an attempt at cutting still in place on the machine.

Will - Thanks for the response. here are the answers to your questions:

  • My machine has a z-Plus axis and is configured for it.
  • Tool changes are accomplished using the bit setter and a bit runner
  • Retract Height is set at .5
  • I set the origin by manually jogging the x / y and use a piece of paper to set z…not using a bit zero.
  • Most of my projects begin at the middle of the stock and I set zero off the top of the stock

I have been using my machine for over a year with hundreds of successful projects complete. My issues started after I upgraded all the software to (Create (757) and Motion (613)). Since then, I reverted back on CM to build 528. Still can’t get it right.

If you jog the Z axis 0.25", she’s it move exactly 0.25".
If so, have you tried with the Bitsetter disabled?

Have you checked your anti-backlash nut on that Z-Plus?


I have not. I will locate it tomorrow and check it. Does it come loose?

Thank you for the suggestion

Yes - I can jog it to any height manually.

I did not disable the bit setter. I did disable the bit runner with the same result.

I have that same problem but mine buries the bit into the wood at the start of the project and never gets started and I also have had my machine for over a year. Could it be a software problem?

Yes it will. There are two bolts that hold it to the mounting plate that can come loose. The anti-backlash nut can also wear. A quick check to do, with the shapeoko powered up and the router unplugged see if you can move the Z axis up and down by hand. Very little if any movement is best.

Yes, please see:

Tightened everything up…nothing was really loose. I alsomoved the z plus up and down while powered down and could not move it at all once I powered up.

I’ve actually had this happen to me before when my machine was working. Since it was intermittent, I just assumed I missed a step when setting the Z. The problem I am facing now happens every time and the cut is consistently ~40% too deep. Support is confident it is a hardware issue, so we will eliminate that tomorrow with the last possible hardware replacement. Fingers crossed.

It “feels” like a software problem, but we are eliminating hardware issues first. Should know in the next couple days.

I found my problem. When setting up the machine it said in the set up to hover and center the bit over the bit setter. Well I was centering it and plunging the bit down on to the bit setter till it bottomed out. Once I set the bit to the top center of the bit setter not touching it with the bit I am now cutting away with no more issues.

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