Hey everyone I got a question I have an xxl started using Nov 2020. No issues but in the last week to 10 days my Shapeoko has be shutting off after the job finishes or after I zero it. It just pops up the home page CM Connect to cutter. It will only connect after I turn off and on the power button it seems to be the power cord as o have had to play with the button some but I’m not sure.
Tonight is was running a 45 min job it shit down mid job 3 times this is the first time it’s do it during a run if it starts it usually finish the job.
The Shapeoko is not shutting down but losing usb connection. Static is the usual suspect but a loose usb cable will do the same thing. Make your usb cable is securely plugged in. Static is present even without dc depending on your climate. Cold weather drys out the air making static discharge more likely. Heating systems also dry the air.
Look at your environment closely and search on the forum about static reduction.