Hello new here. I was looking but couldn’t find any info. Does anyone have the dimensions of the discounted shapeoko touch probe?
It’s hasn’t been discontinued - it’s just out of stock
It should be back in stock by the end of the month.
Dimensions are noted at: Touch plate thickness and Touch probe no longer going to be offered?
Any update when it will be in stock
A problem with a parts delivery from a vendor has pushed the schedule back to the middle or end of July — hopefully there won’t be any further problems.
I appreciate the update
Sparkfun has it now https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14806
What’s the latest ETA on the touch probe?
Also, any concerns that this will immediately be sold out again?
The real question is, when will the probe be included with the purchase of new machines? It should be standard in every table sold from here on out, even if the cost of a machine goes up as a result. For those who don’t want/need the probe? Sell it at a premium to someone in need of one.
I think @WillAdams suggested in the next week or so…
Where are you touch probes!!??
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