Shapeoko User Search

Is there anyone on the forum that is in the Wichita, KS area
Definition of Wichita, KS area (within 50 miles)

I have had my Shapeoko XL with Z-Plus and proximity switches since last April and have figured out how to do a few things. I have added the touch probe, bitsetter, feed/hold button and an emergency stop for two circuits.

I am a rank beginner with no previous experience working with the software or hardware.

I would be open to sharing the frustration / rewards of learning this machine in a one on one environment. Given the limitations we are facing during the pandemic I know this could be challenging.

Thanks, Bill

The Unofficial Facebook Shapeoko & Nomad Users Group

EDIT: had a map:

You’ll have to be a member to view or add yourself though.



Thanks for the link but I am not a Facebook user.

Was hoping I could reach out via this forum.

Oh, well.


We tried a map of community members sometime ago, with limited success:


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