Well it came this afternoon and I started assembly. I thought I’d use this to record my comments and suggestions on how to improve the assembly document. I’m to the point where I have the Y extrusions done and stopped to research an issue.
So far:
Missing one M5x25 screw to attach the washboard. No big deal.
It’d be helpful if the instructions said “use the Y extrusion with the holes tapped on the side on the left”. I’d noticed the holes before assembling and paged forward to see what goes there to decide with is which.
The XZ carriage went on the extrusion without issue (one eccentric is loose but no problem there). The left side Y extrusion was tight but went on without issue. The right side Y extrusion was very difficult to get on. The instructions didn’t say anything about adjusting eccentrics here. The Y does not slide smooth and I don’t have belts installed on anything except Z. So I’m going to work on getting Y to slide smooth before I go further by adjusting it’s eccentrics before putting the belts on.
I will say the frame is very accurate. I measured square of the frame and it’s accurate to within 1/64" across the diagonal. I’m impressed.
I noticed the wasteboard is similar in size to the Festool part I use with my tracksaw. I may use it as a template to drill the washboard pattern.
So far so good. Quit for the day; too hot out to do more.