Does anyone know how to setup my Shapeoko touch probe (V2) in UGS? I know how to setup a standard XYZ probe but this one has the circle hole…
Hi @Jaap,
It’s been a long while since I used UGS, but I don’t think the built-in probe module can handle this, it is indeed designed for corner-probing probes.
I don’t think you can use the UGS macro system either, as it only also static macros (last time I checked, so I may very well be wrong).
You may consider using CNCjs or gSender, they support have dynamic macros and @neilferreri did develop macros for both the corner probing and hole probing models. Of course you may not want to change to a different G-code sender just for this, but I thought I would mention it anyway, as a lot of folks here use those senders.
Hi Julien,
Thanks for your reply. Clear. Right now everything works what I want to do for my panels. I must say that I am very happy with the 4XL right now. Eventually, I want to go back to using CC and CM but it’s too much hassle right now for me as a beginner. I guess I won’t use the probe for now and use it again when I’m back with using CM. I will check out your suggestions and see how they work… Thanks!
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