Shipping to the UK

I am just about to make the purchase and hit the ‘PAY NOW’ button but, I confess, I’m a little nervous. I’m not embarrassed to say that my budget is tight, I only get disability income and I am hoping to invest into a possible future of work with this CNC. I can’t get mainstream employment due to limited abilities and age so, self employment is my best option and a CNC seems to be a great option.
May I ask anyone who lives in the UK, who may have bought a Shapeoko 5 pro with a 65mm VFD, what all the import fees where for them?
With a few added extras to my order the total will be $5,451.59 (£4,294.33) to be shipped to Highlands of Scotland.
I am expecting the Tax to be 20% adding £899.22 to the bill
I am aware that the import duties will be 2% adding a further £88.16 to the bill.
A total of £977.38.
What I can’t find out is what the FedEx handling fees are likely to be.
If the VFD is shipped out as a separate package, what extra fees are there?
Does anyone know what the HS or Commodity code is for this CNC?
And, what experiences you’ve had with shipping here in the UK?
And what to look out for and/or be aware of?
I have asked a couple of Carbide3D representatives but, I would like to hear from those here on the forum who have had first hand experiences with shipping and costs to UK, especially to the Scottish HIghlands.
Any help and advice on this would be great.

Thank you ever so kindly

I’ve just sent you a DM.

However to answer some questions and clarify some things.

  • All shipments coming into the UK need VAT to be paid on them - however there are no extra duties. Just VAT.

  • Typical Fedex handeling fee is £12 per shipment.

  • We ship accessories from CA


For any UK or EU customers who are looking to order, we’re trialing a DDP (delivery duties paid) shipping, which means we handle all the delivery and duty payments. We collect these at the point of sale and are paid on booking the shipment in with the courier, who then pays them to the local governing body.

If you are looking to order anything - drop me a PM and we will setup a custom cart for you.


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