Slicing objects in Fusion 360 to machine on Shapeoko

Like the title says. I’m new to Fusion and trying to figure out how to cut down my 3D design into layers so that I can cut them on my Shapeoko XXL. I was recommended the Slicer add-on for Fusion, but the 3D layers option does not allow me the option to download the files. Anyone have any guidance they can offer or link to tutorials?

A different tool, which may or may not offer an option which suits is Flatfab:

FWIW, ages ago when I had to do this, I worked up the design in OpenSCAD and programmatically shifted it up/down and use the projection() command to extract slices.

Is cutting in 3D not an option for the design in question?

Just so you are aware Fusion allows you do create all the toolpath that can be used in Shapeoko . This is done using the manufacturing workspace in Fusion

You might be trying to do something different but since you are new to Fusion I want to make sure you are aware of this.

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Flatfab might not work. My design is an ellipses with a height of 5.75" width of 7" and length of 8". The exterior has a 2 degree taper and 2.75" round over towards the top so slicing the design into multiple parts with a manageable height while maintaining the taper with round over is important.

Thanks. I just downloaded the manufacturing extension. If the height exceeds the Z limit of the Shapeoko will it automatically break it into layers for machining?

It will not, but you can always slice your model within Fusion to create multiple models.

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@echavanne Can you share your .f3d file from Fusion?
Also, what happened when you tried to export from Slicer?

I don’t know about the current version of Meshcam, but in the past, (Meshcam V6) I sliced and exported STL files of 3D models that were to large to machine on my Sieg X2 mill.

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