Sloped side pocket design

Hello, I’m trying to design and cut a pocket that will be used for coins or keys temporary storage. Like the trays used for storing nails or screws ,I want the front side to be sloped from a depth of 0" down to say 0.5" (just an example) and a run of say 1". Can I draft this in Carbide create?

There is not a specific feature for this.

If you have a V endmill with the correct taper angle that of course would work. It would be a nice application of the ball-nosed w/ taper tooling folks mention (assuming there is one with such a feature)

If you want to do this using a ball-nose tool then it can be done after a fashion, albeit tediously:

Or, one could model it in 3D and cut using Carbide Create Pro

Thanks WillAdams. I know it’s time for me to learn 3D modelling. I’ve just started a trial of Pro to see if it’s capable of designing simple objests like this and easy to learn. I have managed to do some extensive 2D work on the free version. Where should I start? Are there tutorials?

There are the videos at:

and I wrote up a bit at:

and see the links at the end of that page.

If you get stuck, post here or to and we’ll do our best to walk throug things with you.

Will, the videos on your link are not available. It says “video does not exist”.

There’s apparently a technical issue — we’re looking into it.

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