SO3 rapid setting?

I see in

…in the Overview section, that

“Rapid Speed — 2500mm/min+ (100IPM)”

Is that a maximum (I note the plus sign there)? If it is, is it due to hardware constraints? I ask because I’m coming from Nomad where distances are small and whatever the Nomad default rapid speed is has been fine. But I’ve just built my XL and feel like I’m waiting around a lot with rapid set to 2000. Is 4000 possible?

What do y’all use?

My understanding is that this was never fully researched. Carbide 3D has to be about conservative defaults which can be consistently applied so as to work on any machine assembled by anyone — it’s a kit — conversely, folks who wish to can experiment with and test their machines to determine just what theirs (and possibly others) are capable of. Some notable links:

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From the second link, it looks like the rapid setting applies not just to x and y but to z as well. I guess grbl doesn’t have a separate way to set speed for z vs x/y. Ah well.

That may have been a Grbl 0.8 limitation

grbl (.9+) does:
$110=635.000 (x max rate, mm/min)
$111=635.000 (y max rate, mm/min)
$112=635.000 (z max rate, mm/min)
$120=50.000 (x accel, mm/sec^2)
$121=50.000 (y accel, mm/sec^2)
$122=50.000 (z accel, mm/sec^2)

Here’s what’s on my machine, and it doesn’t seem to be having any trouble. Don’t know if it’s actually meeting any of these either.
(27764): <- $122=400.000
(27763): <- $121=400.000
(27762): <- $120=400.000
(27761): <- $112=5000.000
(27760): <- $111=5000.000
(27759): <- $110=5000.000


Thanks @mikep – I’ll give those a shot when I get my power supply sorted out (fell off my bench and hasn’t worked since).

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