Software Issue?

I just upgraded to a new Windows 11 Tablet (Fusion5). Downloaded the latest Carbide Motion Build 364. I can connect to the cutter, but it will not initialize. It starts but does not bring the spindle forward for a bit change, doesn’t go to bitsetter. Further, Under Jog - Rapid Motion, it moves maybe an inch and stops.

My first actions was to delete Carbide Motion and the reinstall. Didn’t help.

I thought maybe the Shapeko Pro was “acting up”, but then decided to use my old Windows 10 tablet, which I had previously been using - the micro TF Card slot failed - which is why I changed tablets.

With the Windows 10 tablet - Carbide Motion Build 537, it works perfectly. Initialized, goes to bit change, goes to Bitsetter, zeros correctly.

Any thoughts on what might be wrong?

Latest build is 564.

But to me it sounds like the machine size is not defined. Select your machine and send configuration. After that’s done, carbide motion will put realistic limits for the travel.

If not, email support or wait for @WillAdams :slight_smile:

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Each computer you install Carbide Motion on needs to be configured for machine type/size/accessories. See:

Thank you. Got it up and running!

Thank you! Got it up and running. I’m learning everyday.

When you send the configuration you are of course configuring the Shapeoko but you are also configuring CM. The Shapeoko knows what it is from the last time you sent a configuration but a new instance of CM does not know what you are attached to except it is a Shapeoko.

Even upgrading CM to a new version you should always send the configuration mostly to connfigure CM.

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