Selling by Beaver CNC Pro. Asking $3900 including shipping within the U.S. At this price it will ship with gantry removed. I can offer a much better price if you’re willing to assemble it. The machine runs perfectly and has less than 100 hours on it. Selling because my wife and I are prepping for retirement and the new place will have a much smaller workshop.
The cutting area is 32 x 32 x 10. The foot print is 44(x) x 42(y) x 26(z). The machine is in good shape and has less than 100 hours on it.
The kit will include everything you need to get up and running. Included: Beaver CNC frame kit, extrusions, and all hardware. Masso G3 Controller, Masso Relay Module, 4x Masso Optical limit switches, Shapeoko BitZero V2, Shapeoko BitSetter, Automation technology‘s close loop steppers and drivers, 2x mean well power supplies, 110V 3HP VFD and 2K water cooled spindle.
Beaver CNC frame kit, extrusions and all hardware.
Masso G3 Controller
Masso Relay Module
4x Masso Optical limit switches
Shapeoko BitZero V2 for Shapeoko
Shapeoko BitSetter
Automation technology‘s close loop steppers, drivers and 2x mean well power supplies
110V VFD and 2K water cooled spindle