SOLD : Shapeoko 3 XXL / HDZ / Enclosure Chicago, IL

For sale : Shapeoko 3 XXL / HDZ / Custom Enclosure / Dust Collection
Price : $2300 (HEPA vacuum optional/extra)
Located in Suburbs Chicago, IL - Pickup Only!

Machine purchased in 08/2018. Have used it to carve wooden plaques & badges in our heated garage. Machine is running fantastic with no known issues. It has been well taken care of & is a great option for someone looking to get into the CNC world.

Updated to a Beaver/Carbide 3d HDZ 3.3 09/2019. Was getting the typical inconsistencies with the height from the stock z carriage. HDZ solved all of this, paid $450 for it. Stock Z parts are included if buyer would like them.

Includes carbide 3d touch probe (07/2019), connected to machine & ready to help set your zeros.

Includes custom built enclosure. Measurements 55.5" Wide x 48" Deep x 25" tall. Spent probably 15 hours building this thing. Made of 3/4" birch ply. Large plexiglass window to view your machine working. Everything is double layer, insulted with rockwool & every joint with noise sealant caulk. Enclosure has openings for electrical, and dust collection. Enclosure greatly cuts down on dust & noise (most important for us). Link showing sound difference here : . Enclosure has rear opening option if you’d like to send larger work pieces through machine.

Dust collection : includes PwnCNC v2 dust boot (09/19). Collapsible hose & dust deputy to evacuate dust.

Bits & Hardware : As pictured, HUNDREDS of dollars of bits, including v-bits, 3/4" upcut/downcut bits, 1/8 upcut/downcut bits, 1/32 up to 1/4" ballnose bits, surfacing bit, etc etc. Also included : PwnCNC clamps, spare brusdes for Dewalt 611 router, and steel braided belts for the machine which I purchased but never put on.

Optional : Flex VCE 33 HEPA Rated Vac ($~450), purchased 09/19. From what I’ve researched, same components as the Festools that sell for twice the money. Double filter, runs great, never an issue.
Can negotiate price is buyer is interested.

Machine can be removed from enclosure or the entire unit can be moved in one piece. Consider getting an extra set of hands for pickup, I can assist. This is a fantastic package ready to plug & play. Located in Aurora/Naperville, IL.

Any questions feel free to contact on here or e-mail

Pending sale on the machine. I’d like to take a minute to thank all the board members for sharing information and answering questions along the way. Big props to Will Adams, Julien, and the rest of the crew I can’t think of off the top of my head. Also to Tony for his ideas & inspiration on the enclosure. Owning this machine has been awesome. We’ve made a lot of really cool stuff & it has been a blast getting to use this machine. Thanks again,



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