SOLD *** SO3 XXL - San Francisco Bay Area *** SOLD

I moved to my new place a year ago and there’s just no room for my SO3 XXL - can’t even pull it into the driveway like I used to because it’s too steep, so it has been sitting idle for a year.

I added the BitRunner and BitZero to it (I think I also have BitSetter, but honestly I don’t remember for sure and would have to check). Also has the Sweepy v2 so you can connect a shop vacuum.

In addition to the SO3 XXL there’s tons of brand new tooling for it of various types - carbide, tool steel, up cut, down cut. The vast majority of the bits have never taken a cut.

It’s sitting on a 4’ x 5’ rolling cabinet which you can take or not.

Currently asking $1400 - but will entertain any serious offers.

It has now been sold