Solution for cleaning up w/ 2.5" hose connector from Sweepy v2

Okay, for my v1 Sweepy, cleanup was easy — just remove the Festool hose, connect a brush:

and go

Unfortunately, not having any luck finding a brush attachment which fits the Sweep v2 2.5" adapter — has anyone found one or an adapter which fits the twain?

I think you are looking for this

2-1/2 in. Locking Accessory Round Dusting Brush for Wet/Dry Vacs

It’s great and I use it everyday. I would love a crevice tool that also has these bristles on it. If someone has found one - share the link

Actually, I bought that — the problem is the Sweepy v2 2.5" adapter doesn’t fit it, nor the Shop-Vac Extension Wand (which does fit the accessory brush).

I’m a bit worried that the extension wand is going to be cumbersome — ideally there would be a short connector which would fit the brush and the adapter together.

Wondering if this:

would fit inside the v2 2.5" adapter — it would then fit the brush.

I say invest $500 in a 3D printer and never again spend time looking for adapters to buy :slight_smile:
(well, to be honest you will likely be spending the same time designing parts in CAD software than you were browsing the interwebs for parts, but I find the former much more enjoyable and rewarding)


I’ve got a printer which I need to get up and running after I work up the space to set it up.

One of the reasons I wound up here rather than at:

is I just don’t like the appearance of a 3D printed part — it’s also a matter of “Napoleon’s most precious commodity” — I’m pretty sure it would take less time for me to drive over to the other side of the river to Woodcraft and source a part. If not, I suspect I’ll be buying a PVC plumbing part and making a pair of fixtures to modify it.

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Bought a:

Shop-Vac Extension Wand

cut 5" off off the large end (4" would have been better I believe, had to use some tape to correct for a sloppy fit)

and then add a:

WoodRiver Dust Connection - 2-1/2" Union Fitting


I did some more cutting, and by reversing the cut off ends and using the adapter managed to get a short, handy unit which doesn’t need tape and which fits well:

Photographic evidence:


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