Solution Found: "Error: Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined"

Hi everyone. I’m receiving an error that’s stumped me and I can’t figure it out. I’m receiving “Error (1): GRBL ERROR: Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined.”

After honing, going to xy position and zeroing out, I run the file and the (Dewalt) router will proceed to go to the cut start position then stop and throw the error.

I’m not sure why that’s the case as I can’t think of anything that’s change since last using the machine.

I use Aspire software and the feed rate for the .25 EM is set to 70 IPM. I can’t think of anywhere else to set the feed rate? Any ideas why I’m receiving this error?

Thank you!

What post processor did you use?

Sorry I left that out. Post Processor is Shapeoko (inch) (*.gcode).

Not sure if this helps, but i did run a log within Carbide Motion right before I hit Run:

(1540): <- <Idle|MPos:-740.325,-684.875,-20.925|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1538): <- <Idle|MPos:-740.325,-684.875,-20.925|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1537): <- <Run|MPos:-741.125,-686.200,-20.600|Bf:13,128|Ln:5|FS:897,1000>
(1536): <- <Run|MPos:-749.800,-700.450,-17.025|Bf:13,128|Ln:5|FS:5983,1000>
(1535): <- <Run|MPos:-759.525,-716.450,-13.050|Bf:13,128|Ln:5|FS:5983,1000|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>
(1534): <- <Run|MPos:-769.800,-733.350,-8.825|Bf:13,128|Ln:5|FS:5983,1000>
(1533): <- <Run|MPos:-777.150,-745.450,-5.800|Bf:13,128|Ln:5|FS:2872,1000|Ov:100,100,100|A:S>
(1531): <- error:22
(1530): -> N6G1Z-32.540
(1529): gc_motion
(1528): <- ok
(1527): -> N5G0X-740.318Y-684.883Z-20.920
(1526): gc_motion
(1525): <- ok
(1524): -> N4G0X-777.450Y-745.950
(1523): gc_motion
(1522): <- ok
(1521): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1520): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1519): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1518): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1517): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1516): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1515): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1514): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>
(1513): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000>
(1512): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.675|Bf:14,128|FS:0,1000|Ov:100,100,100|A:S>
(1511): -> N4 G4P2
(1510): gc_dwell
(1509): <- ok
(1508): -> M03S18000
(1507): gc_spindle
(1506): <- ok
(1505): -> N3G0Z-5.680
(1504): gc_motion
(1503): gc_units(INCH)
(1502): <- ok
(1501): -> N2 G4P0.005
(1500): gc_wait_for_idle
(1499): <- ok
(1498): -> G17
(1497): gc_active_plane
(1496): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1495): gc_sync
(1494): <- ok
(1493): -> N0 G4P0.005
(1492): gc_wait_for_idle
(1491): gc_homing
(1490): <- ok
(1489): -> M05
(1488): gc_spindle
(1487): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1486): gc_sync
(1485): <- ok
(1484): -> N0 G4P0.005
(1483): gc_wait_for_idle
(1482): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1480): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1479): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1478): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1477): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100>
(1476): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>
(1475): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1474): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1473): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1472): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1471): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1470): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1469): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1468): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>
(1467): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100>
(1466): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0|WCO:0.000,0.000,0.000>
(1465): <- <Idle|MPos:-777.450,-745.950,-5.000|Bf:14,128|FS:0,0>

There’s a G1 Z move with no feedrate.
Can you share your gCode?

Absolutely. Here’s the Plain Text Ouptut Of the first Toolpath

Post Processor = ‘Text Output Arcs {mm} {*.txt}’

All values are in mm, feedrates in mm/min

Material Info

X Min = 0.000 Y Min = 0.000 Z Min = -12.700
X Max = 609.600 Y Max = 457.200 Z Max = 0.000

X Length = (609.600)
Y Length = (457.200)
Z Length = (12.700)

Z Origin for Material = Material Surface
XY Origin for Material = Bottom Left Corner
XY Origin Position = X:0.000, Y:0.000

Home Position

X = 0.00000 Y = 0.00000 Z = 20.32000

Safe Z = 5.080

Tools used in order of use

  Tool: 1 = #46248 Upcut End Mill {0.25 Inch}

Toolpaths output in order they are output

  Toolpath: Profile 1

First Tool

Tool Number = 1
Tool Name = ‘#46248 Upcut End Mill {0.25 Inch}’

Cutting Speeds

Cut Feed Rate = 1778 mm/min
Plunge Rate = 1778 mm/min
Spindle Speed = 18000 r.p.m

Toolpath File Information

Toolpath Name = ‘Profile 1’
Toolpath Pathname = ‘E:\Completed\compost\error.txt’
Toolpath File Name = ‘error’
Toolpath File Directory = ‘E:\Completed\compost’
Toolpath Extension = ‘.txt’
Toolpath Notes = ‘’

Date Toolpath Created = Saturday August 10 2019
Time Toolpath Created = 10:20 PM

Design File Information

File Name = ‘turbine - Copy’
File Pathname = ‘*\Compost\turbine.crv3d’
File Notes = ‘’

Feed Rate Change - F3556.0 mm/min

Initial Rapid Move from home or toolchange position

X: 37.13126 Y: 61.06723 Z: 5.08000 Home = X:0.00000 Y:0.00000 Z:20.32000

Feed Rate Change - F1778.0 mm/min

First Plunge Move

X: 37.13126 Y: 61.06723 Z: -6.54050

Linear Feed Move

X: 36.22354 Y: 61.68423 Z: -6.54050

X: 35.35300 Y: 62.34352 Z: -6.54050

X: 34.52074 Y: 63.04322 Z: -6.54050

X: 33.72781 Y: 63.78146 Z: -6.54050

PM sent…

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Solution Found:
I think somehow my file might have been corrupted. I decided to create a new file project, import the vectors from the previous, load same EM specs and toolpaths and its running fine on the machine now. Somewhere in between the Z feedrate wasn’t coded even though Aspire had feedrates and displayed the project correctly.

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