(Some) Objects Move Between Create and the Cut

Not sure what’s going on, but I am making two 14"x14" parts from a single 18"x32" piece of acrylic.

I’m cutting a bunch of circles, some slits, a couple pockets, and cutting out the parts from the material. Simple enough. I have run this on cheap wood several times with no problem.

I made a couple tweaks to my Create file, saved the Gcode, and loaded the file to Motion.

When the design hit the acrylic, the cut-outs and slits (which cut last) were all transposed to the right by about an inch. Everything else cut where it was supposed to. So this is unusable.

I looked at the Create file, and everything looks correct. But it certainly didn’t cut that way. Any ideas on what’s going on?


This was a mechanical issue (most likely lost steps) or an electrical issue (loss of continuity on the motor signal causing lost steps) — did you hear any odd noises? If so, electrical, check the wiring.

Per the machine operating checklist: Machine Operating Checklist - Carbide 3D , the basic points of adjustment for a machine are:

For the wiring, if you don’t find anything obvious to address, write in to us at support@carbide3d.com and send us photos of the wiring of the motor in question, including the wiring extensions and at the controller.

Now that you mention the mechanical possibility (lost steps), I’m thinking a solid possibility is the dust collection hose got in the way at some point. Just ordered a boom to try to keep that situation under control. Currently out of control.

Will try the above and report back. Thanks, Will.

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