I looking for 2 y motor plate because I got some spare parts and wanting to out together a unit. Carbide just told me they phase out the so3 and those plates are not available.
What are my options?
Make them my self ? How thick of aluminum plate I need to make sure it’s sturdy .
If you are familiar with Fusion360, there are Shapeoko models floating around, I would probably just try and mill them out of 3mm aluminium (such that they are the same thickness as the original ones). I suspect (but have not tried) that 3mm would be rigid enough.
Even when SO3s were in production, the Y-axis plates were not available separately since they are the parts which allow folks to turn the leftover parts from an SO3 → XXL upgrade into a complete machine (by adding a controller, Z-axis, and motors, and V wheels, &c.).
The plates are 10 gauge sheet steel ~9/64" (~3.429mm) — I don’t think a thinner sheet of alu. will be sufficiently rigid, and it would require making up the difference in thickness somehow.
As Julien and Will say, the Y plates are steel sheet and fairly solid, there are welded / pressed in nut thread inserts too.
You could make it out of a good Aluminium alloy but, as said, you’d be using a thicker plate (10mm or so) and machining rebates into it to clear the ends of the X rail, stepper motor and probably a few other bits. It’s do-able definitely, I’ve machined more complex stuff for my @DanStory inspired rails upgrade on my SO3 XXL but maybe don’t make it your “learn to cut Aluminium” project like I did
Alternatively, you could just take the leaf out of Dan’s book and make some custom end plates to ride on some eBay / AliExpress linear rails.
I have a model which is approximately correct for the Y plates but I would not say that it’s accurate enough to fabricate from, I took some of the measurements whilst the parts were still on the machine.
You’re probably going to need a working CNC or access to one to make these parts up.
edit - just noticed Julien said 3mm, I think the need to have the threaded holes in the plate means thicker than that or threaded inserts.
My friend was a fanatic but he no longer into CNC anymore, I bought it off him. I did build the Shapeoko 2 prior so I am family with the system. Then life got busy and didn’t get the time to play with it and now I am back :).
I always appreciate everyone in the forum being so helpful