Spare parts to reduce down time

Hi everyone,
What are the most common spare parts that I should always have on hand (and where to buy)? I know, belts, v wheels, brushes for router, what are the other parts that risk failure? I’ll keep this post updated with links to parts that are recommended. Thanks

All In One kit
Carbide 3d maintenance kit

steel belts from amazon

V Wheels

Limit switch

Router parts
Dewalt 611
Amazon listing for brushes

Spare collets and nuts


Hi @Ncbuckeye,

  • Just in case, note there is a maintenance kit on the C3D store with some of this.
  • I would add to your list:
    • spare collet(s)
    • more than one of each critical cutter (e.g. Vbit…)
    • one or two limit switches (especially if they are the mechanical ones)

Not bad for $70 and includes everything.
But I’ve read somewhere that there are better wheels somewhere, and do pulleys wear out, I can understand the idlers.

I’d wait till you find out what, if anything, you need to upgrade before falling into the rabbit hole :wink:

I doubt you’ll wear out the toothed belt pulleys, although you could damage them by overtightening the grub screw or other manual actions.

Use the belts from the Carbide store, not Amazon, there’s a looong thread about different belts and how long they last, how much they stretch etc.

There’s a maintenance checklist too which is worth a read, the machine works a lot better with some basic attention.


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