For Carbide Create 316 and similar versions:
If you select a tool before clicking on “Add Tool” the selected tool will be used as a template for the new one.
- Toolpath
- Edit Library
- Add Tool
- double-click on the new tool to go into edit mode
- edit as needed
- Ok
- close window
The old (316) method isn’t compatible with the new (400 and later) method, and unfortunately custom tools from 316 are not directly imported into newer versions.
In the newer version in order to enter a custom tool it is necessary to create a new user library — tools may then be added to that by using the graphical interface.
For advanced users it is an option to manually edit the underlying .csv file. Go to Help | About | Open Data Directory, then open the Carbide Create directory and find a carbidecreate/tools directory — custom tools are stored in that in .csv files and may be backed up or saved or transferred to another computer, or edited using a text editor or spreadsheet (if one saves as CSV format). See
Naturally, if you have any difficulties with this, please let us know at — did you consider a 3/16" collet and less expensive endmill?