Hi. I have wanted to make a coaster for myself ever since getting my XXL up and running. I had some scrap aluminium laying around so I thought why not mill my first aluminium project. I’m a big Spider-Man fan so the design was an easy choice. Every time I do a job I learn something and today was no exception. I thought I had the piece fastened down well enough but it shifted during the final pass with the 1/4" mill. As a result I had to grind the outer edge. So some of you with a sharp eye for detail will notice the outer edge is not uniform. Still in all it turned out ok and I plan to polish it to bring up the finish a little more.
Haha, I remember my first aluminum cut I posted so proudly, a rectangle with a few egg shaped holes in it. I was happy I didn’t break any bits.
Nice job on yours!
I have yet to cut a “decorative” design in metal, you’ve inspired me…
Thank you for the kind words Griff. It would be great to see your project once its done.
That came out great, I love the design too.
Would you Care to share your workflow, tooling brands and sizes, and speeds and feeds you found worked best?
I’m just starting in aluminium and taking in as much info as I can!
Hi Stuart, sorry its taken me a few days to reply. I have created a PDF that represents my workflow and settings in the software I used. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for the positive feed back and have a great day.
Spidey Coaster Workflow and Settings.pdf (706.3 KB)
Woah, awesome! Thanks for the detailed guide, i know i wont be the only one who gets a lot out of that
I look forward to seeing what you do next!
No problem, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Have a good one.
P.S. I will try and do better on the spelling next time. I’m going to blame it on the early morning and lack of coffee when I wrote it