I purchased a G-Penny 0.8kW air cooled spindle and Huanyang VFD to upgrade my shapeoko 3 with HDZ. I have everything just about ready to go except for one thing. When I run a job that is created using Carbide Create, it only waits for 4 seconds for the spindle to spin up before starting motion. My VFD came programmed with PD014=20 and PD015=20 (acceleration and deceleration). And needless to say, the spindle is not up to speed when the job starts cutting.
For those of you using Carbide Create with a spindle, is there any way to change the default wait times? I really don’t want to rely on having to manually edit the .nc files each time.
For those of you with spindles, is there a lower limit to what I can program my acceleration time to? Can I just change it to 4 to match what CC expects? What kinds of spin up times do the Carbide 3D spindles have? I am worried that G-Penny had a reason to program PD014 to 20 for my spindle and that if I attempt to match the time that CC expects that it will harm the spindle in some way.
As a work around, you could try making a pocket that lies outside the stock. The machine will go through the motions, but since there’s no material there, your spindle will get some time to spin up.
Given how common spindles are now, C3D really should think about allowing and extending a warm-up time even for CC Free.
I was trying to avoid manually editing the gcode if there was a way. I looked at what carbide motion was sending, and it sent a G4P4 after the M3. If I have to do it manually, I am sure I will forget someday and break something.
There is a way to change the spin-up time of the HY drive, but I do not remember how to do it. I called a support number with HY and they walked me through drive parameters.
Sorry I don’t remember the sequence, but it is doable.
I know how to change the vfd to spin up faster. What I don’t know is how fast is ok for the spindle. I bought everything from G-Penny, and they programmed the vfd for the spindle. I would hope they had good reason to program it to 20 seconds. I must admit I know little about spindles and what is good or bad for them.
Do the Carbide spindles spin up fast enough to use with the non-pro CC? It was waiting for only 4 seconds, a fraction of the 20 my spindle is set for.
My Carbide 2.2kw spindle takes longer to spin up than the software allows. I added a M0, and click “Resume” once the spindle is up to speed. Although it’s probably 5-6 seconds.
Yes, if you find the sequence that works with your spindle, it can be added to the post that will work with CC free or Pro.
PD 014 set at 7 seconds (acceleration Ramp) I set mine to achieve 18k in around 5 seconds, 24k in 7 seconds
PD 015 set at 20 seconds (deceleration Ramp)
I know I wrote 4 seconds earlier, but have not actually timed it until now.
edit to add this. I have seen several posts at other sites claiming inverter failure on some units. I have often wondered if they might be caused by too much load on the drive (ramping up or down too quickly or pushing the cut too hard…)
The HY inverter seems to be “delicate?”. If or when mine does go out, I think I will look for a BOSCH inverter.
G-Penny had configured my VFD for my spindle and had both set to 20. I have put in a question to them as to what a safe minimal value might be, we’ll see. I had not thought about the weak point being the VFD, I was thinking it was the spindle.
20 seconds to reach full capacity is a long time even if you use cutters with large diameters. It is good practice, especially if the environment is cold, to run the spindle at low speed before working on it. That said, 4 seconds are more than enough for acceleration while I would leave the deceleration time unchanged so as not to slow down the motion. I hope I gave you the information you were looking for!
@Tod1d I have experimented with both adding M0 after the M3 speed change and adding more delay with M4. Both work.
I would love to take you up on your offer to create a custom post for me. I think the easiest one to do is add the M0 after the M3Sxxxx. That way, no matter what the spin up delay is, it will work. It may be exactly what you have already.
One interesting observation is that if I look at the generated gcode from CC, it has a M6 followed by M3S18000 and there is no G4 delay in the file at all. However, if I look at the log from CM, it shows G4P4 after every M3 and M5 commands. So this is something CM is adding, it is not in the gcode saved from CC. It would seem that having some configuration settings for CM would be the best place to make these kind of changes if it were possible.
As stated earlier, 20 seconds is a long time for the spindle to reach full speed. If the VFD is sized correctly to the spindle then you should be able to move the acceleration and deceleration ramp parameters to 5 seconds and have no issues, especially if the spindle is not cutting during the acceleration. Most VFDs have fairly robust self-preservation algorithms to prevent hard damage. In the case of accelerating too quickly you will likely see an over current fault. This should be resettable via the keypad or by a power cycle. In this case increase the acceleration time until you no longer get the fault.
I finally heard back from G-Penny engineer, and they indicate the minimum setting for PD014 and PD015 with the 1.5kW Huanyang VFD and their 0.8kW spindle is 4. This will work fine with Carbide Motion that adds a 4 second delay after M3 commands, and it works with the default grbl delay of 4 seconds when resuming after a feed hold. Thanks to everyone that responded.