Spindle vs router rpm comparison

The mini router that came with the Shapeoko 5 pro works great, the vfd spindle is much quieter however the rpm is lower than the router for the the same job on walnut. The router speed is 18K and cuts clean, while the spindle runs at 16,880 rpm and burns all the way thru the project, same results with 1/8 endmill or 1/4" endmill. I lowered the feed rate but it made no difference.
Is there a way to adjust the spindle rpm? Also what is the function of the tuning knob, jog and mode buttons on the control box, should these be left alone? It appears the router will perform better on hardwoods than the spindle? Thanks

For the VFD, the speed rate would be adjusted in the G-code/tool definition for a given material.

The feeds and speeds in Carbide Create should work well though — post your .c2d file and a photo?

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This sounds counter-intuitive. Usually higher RPMs create more friction, thus more heat.
Normally to reduce/eliminate burning you would lower the RPM, and/or increase the feedrate.

Not sure about the 5’s, but on my HDM they password locked the VFD. But it runs at about 98% of programmed speed.

Are you absolutely certain that all other variables are the same? Same cutters, new/sharp cutters, similar hardness on the wood, similar moisture content on the wood… ???

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And it sounds dumb, but check that the spindle is turning the correct direction. There was a post not too long ago from someone that had one that was spinning backwards and it caused burning as well.

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spindle cut

Attached is the file and pic of the cutout showing the burned edge. I had tried to remove the burned edge with a router, but will use a v curve next time.

F-86 base 2.11.24.c2d (276 KB)

Yeah, that does not look right at all — definitely check @CullenS ’ idea that the spindle might be running in reverse with support.

CullenS is correct, the spindle is running in reverse, will contact support. Thank you all for the input, much appreciated.

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I really hated my battery powered circular saw until I turned the blade around. :joy:

HA! Are we related? :joy:

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