Spindle weight issue?

Continuing the discussion from Homing error issues:
So I did quite a bit of trouble shooting. The homing sensors are fine, all that jazz. I took the spindle out and everything initialized smoothly. I put the spindle back in and boom same homing error. Is there an issue with the weight of the spindle maybe? Or even the z-axis? I performed the removal and replacement experiment a few times to test my hypothesis and that is the common denominator. I however am unsure of how to rectify this haha any help from anyone would be great.

Which spindle do you have?

Are your linear blocks well lubricated?

I have the vfd spindle kit that I purchased from the site. I thought maybe it could be a lubricant issue initially but rollers are lubed up. Are you referring to the flat metal pieces that it rests on and slides across?

Please contact the folks at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll have someone work through this with you there.

Thanks Will. Should I just copy and paste my previous questions?

Yes, any information will help.