Is anyone having issues cutting square corners on their v-carve engraving? My corners are coming out all sorts of messed up. They are either not cut deep enough or cut too deep leaving either an obviously abnormally large or small radius in the corner. See attached photo.
Looks as if the material is higher up on Z at the left than the right.
Check tram/squareness.
Wouldn’t z height be eliminated if I surfaced a piece of wood and then engraved? I did that and still got the same issue.
It should be.
If the preview doesn’t match what was cut, presumably it’s an issue mechanically or with feeds and speeds.
You need to square the machine to the wasteboard and have a flat workpiece on it. Any inconsistency will cause issues your seeing in your picture. Another option would be to surface your workpoece on your CNC before starting your V- carve.
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