Stl design cutting depth questions

Using carbide create pro build 756, imported an stl file and set the thickness at .75". My material is .82" so I thought this would position the bottom of the cut above the bottom of the material, but when my roughing pass cut it , it went past bottom of my material, .10" down into my spoil board, way below where I thought it would be. Maybe I’m not understanding the z depth correctly when I set the ‘thickness’ on the stl import?
I’m using a bitzero to set my tool z position at the top of the stock material before starting the roughing.

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When you build a 3D model (height/depth map) in CC, it starts from the bottom.
So your 0.75 import leaves 0.070 unused at the top.
Create a Flat component 0.070, then Add the STL to the top of that.
Or, use a Base Height of 0.070 when you import the STL.

Although, even a roughing pass with your STL at the bottom should not have cut past 0.197 (default Stock To Leave) above the spoilboard.

I assume you are setting your Zero at the top of stock. After setting your Zero, move the tool down to the spoilboard & check the Z position. Or, set your zero to the Bottom of Stock in the CC file, and Zero off the spoilboard.


Thanks, that helps! Yep I thought the stock to leave would prevent cutting past bottom of the stock into my spoilboard.

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