Stock zero height setting in toolpath

The stock z-zero in CC settings seems misplaced because whether a carve is relative to the top or bottom of the stock seems like the property of a toolpath, not the design or the model. More importantly, making the z-zero setting a property of the stock is inconvenient when a project involves both top and bottom z-zero toolpaths. Since wood thickness varies, I find it safer to use the top of stock for things like VCarves. However, my projects typically end with a toolpath to cut out the object. I like to call this last toolpath “perimeter” because it encloses the final product, perhaps with tabs. I tend to preserve spoil board a bit with a bottom z-zero setting for perimeter toolpaths. (Trust me, I already have enough divots in the spoil board of my own making. :sleeping:) Of course, CCP permits exporting G-code and changing the settings, but it means leaving the toolpath window to the design window, often deselecting some shape, changing the setting, then returning to export the G-code. This workflow is often followed by undoing, i.e., reversing the workflow I just described. In addition I need to remember which setting is in the c2d file and keep flipping the settings if I need to make changes to the G-code. At best this is a needless nuisance, and at worst I make errors through forgetfulness.

I’m aware that all of us CC users have been trained to setup our stock (top/bottom z-zero) in this way. So I propsose a compromise. Leave the top/bottom setting unchanged and treat it as the default. Add the same top/bottom selection pull-down to each toolpath creation/edit window, and use the stock’s setting as an initial default; but allow the user to override by making the alternative selection. In this way the top/bottom z-zero setting can be stored in the toolpath configuration where it naturally belongs.

How does the workflow of running the code work? If you have both paths being run, how do you reset zero when you switch from top to bottom?

If the answer is “Don’t run both paths at the same time”, then why not just make a copy of the file?

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To clarify - my workflow involves exporting to G-code, and not running the c2d file on CM. I typically collect toolpaths with like bit and like top/bottom settings into a single G-code file. As for making a copy of the file, I find that solutions the use of parallel versions of a project has its own set of problems.

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