- Do you have any experience w/ Bézier curve drawing or CAD programs? What sort of work do you wish to do and how do you wish to approach it?
If you’re starting from scratch, learning Carbide Create should serve you well in terms of basic concepts and so forth, even if you move on to other programs
- Router bits which don’t have bearings can be used in a CNC, if they can plunge/center cut, and if the geometry can be entered into the CAM tool you are using, or if you are able to work up a suitable toolpath in some way, e.g.,
a) expense will argue for matching shank size to cutting diameter as much as is possible — reasons to use tooling which has a larger shank size than cutting size:
- rigidity
- increased precision — the cutting diameter will be turned down from the larger shaft and won’t be subject to the variation of the base shaft diameter
b) pass — I have only used the McFly tooling which I get for free for working for Carbide 3D
c) carbide tooling is far tougher and more durable than HSS — the only reason I’d suggest HSS is for its being sharper when cutting materials where that matters — there may be other cases though
Which accessories you use depends on how you wish to work — the BitZero is great for setting origin relative to rectangular stock
I wasn’t aware that we specifically recommended something which rolls — that actually works against stability and so forth — that said, a suitably sturdy/quality workbench w/ good quality casters on a level surface shouldn’t be an issue, and if your working area wants the mobility may be worth the expense.