Strange sound during initialize

I am getting a strange sound when i initialize…with XY…Z is OK. tried o upload video but cannot. been 2 weeks since i last used it…all Ok then. Belts are tight. oiled the slots for XY. ready to start a new project but need to fix whatever is wrong. Kind of a grinding sould.

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Maybe try readjusting belts???

Check your stepper motor connectors… Wiggle them around while jogging across the machine to see if the steppers stutter/grind/stop during travel.
If you find an intermittently bad connection, you’ll probably want to contact Carbide3D support for new wiring harness.
To get yourself going in the meantime, you can try to secure/tie down the connectors so they don’t get flexed around or pushed on by vac hose.
If you’re desperate, cut out the connectors & solder the wires together(Carbide3D probably won’t warranty this).


that did it. drag chain was moving it. tx.


This is what I did on my connections: