I’d like to make some simple stamps - for starters one that says “SAMPLE”. I’ve read a bit about various materials, and it seems there are a few different ways - with a CNC - to make them:
Machine directly from a wood-covered linoleum block (I’ve seen these retail for $6)
Machine a mold and pour a hard rubber (shore hardness 60?)
Does anyone have any experience with #1? And what would a recommended bit be (or bits)? Ultimately, I would like to boil the process down to a “process” so I can repeat it. I realize a laser would be the best method to make stamps, but I don’t have a laser (but I would gladly buy a laser attachment :D).
which seems to just be an image and some comments. Unfortunately, I’m mystified by Google Circles and just can’t figure out an efficient way to datamine them, so gave up on that. There is data at the rubber section: http://www.shapeoko.com/wiki/index.php/Materials#Rubber
Seems like this project might be a good way to get started. I know you can use Easel to generate code for the Nomad, so I assume the Shapeoko would also be possible:
And here’s another I just found:
That one seems to have SVG files in it, which you can open in Carbide Create, if you prefer.
Ok, so it seems like there are a LOT of similar projects there. A quick google search of “inventables stamp” gave several potentially useful things.
Thanks! I like the F-Engrave setup, seems pretty straightforward, but will give Easel a try too. Just have to decide between the soft rubber block and the linoleum block. My end goal is to use an old (small) printing press I have, which of course means more research :D. At this point I just need a hand stamp.
Is it thick enough to give you the desired effect after milling considering where the excess ink needs to flow during the stamping process? If so, then give it a go. At worst, you are out $5.