Surfacing wasteboard with 201 endmill

Doable on S05 Pro 4x4 or is a 1" surfacing bit needed? I recall reading something about it not being to reach the back end of the MDF slats but may be mistaken.

If yes, what should the feed rate and stepover be? Not worried about time efficiency.


The #201 is tiny compared to a fly bit. C3D sells a carbide insert one. There are others. I have a Whiteside 1" 3 cutter one. The key for a fly bit is shallow depth of cut and fast IPM. The 1" or larger bits have a lot of engagement and tend to burn if you try to take off too much or go too slow.

I dont have an SO5 but here is my Whiteside 6210 custom tool.

number vendor model URL name type diameter cornerradius flutelength shaftdiameter angle numflutes stickout coating metric notes machine material plungerate feedrate rpm depth cutpower finishallowance 3dstepover 3dfeedrate 3drpm
601 whiteside 6210 601 Fly Cutter 6201 end 1 0 0.25 0 2 3 0.25 0 10 120 16000 0.01 1 35 120 16000
602 Sugelary X002JUT7TF 602 Fly Cutter end 1 0 0.25 0 2 3 0.25 0 10 100 16000 0.01 1 35 100 16000

With an SO5 you can likely do better than my SO3.

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I have surfaced my waste board (Shapeoko 4 pro) with the 201 using default F&S with no issues! I think in theory it would be best (ignoring time) to surface with the smallest bit possible, but the implications are probably negligible. I also recommend using a V bit to carve a 1" grid on the waste board.

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Update: Was able to flatten wasteboard on the 4x4 with #201, no changes with the flattening file provided by Kevin, no issues at all, just took longer

Took about 90 minutes with a 1/8" stepover and 200+ IPM (increased feed rate as I went along)

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