SVG File doesn't load on Carbide Create

Good morning all. New to the community, just purchased a Shapeoko 4 XXL, and started to learn how to take the most advantage of the system. Wanted to decorate a charcuterie board with some carved grapes and vine. Bought a vector file on Etsy, downloaded, however Carbide create doesn’t load it. Any advise will be appreciated.

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just checking, are you using the import vector icon, or maybe trying to “open” it from the file menu ? (which is only intended to be used to open Carbide Create project files)

DXFs and SVGs should open from File | Open.

@Pepe23 Send the .svg file in to and we will do our best to sort things out.

Hey, what do you know, old habits die hard and I only ever used the import button (was it the only valid way in the past ? anyway…). Sorry for the incorrect information @Pepe23

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I tried everything, even import, didn’t work. Just sent the file to support at Carbide.

I just wanted to say I have had the same issue. Only work around I have found is importing it into illustrator and exporting again as .svg even though it already is one and then that .svg works. I am unsure why though

Don’t have Adobe Illustrator, may try it with the free trial and see if it works.

Also try it with Inkscape. It might be transformed correctly there (and it’s free).

Thank you Nick. That suggestion solved the problem. Got a free trial for Illustrator, just open the file, saved as and tried, IT WORKED!!! Thanks again.

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Please send files which don’t open in to so that we can improve our SVG handling.

File sent. According to support, it was designed in Corel Draw, so they will create a bug to allow Carbide Create open SVG files created on Corel Draw.

We found the problem. The SVG file is encoded in UTF-16 rather than ASCII or UTF-8 so that threw off the SVG import code.

The next beta release of CC, build 609, will allow a wider range of encodings for SVG files and we confirmed that your file will work with the new code.


How do we get access to Beta release?

Download from:

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Thank you, and is there is a forum where members discuss and/or report any bugs or issues with the beta versions?

If you can see it:

If not, just make a post and if need be we’ll move it over

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