SVG files downloads

so i just started cutting a couple days ago and while im learning w/some simple projects im also trying to find SVG files for quick designs. i went with a one month subscription to design bundles that seemed like it would fit the bill. However there are alot of jpegs and what sgv files i can find are fll of errors…suggestions?

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We’ve discussed this sort of thing a bit:

Note for fixing clipart we have some notes on that as well:

If you’ll let us know the specific problems you’re seeing we’ll do our best to assist.

Many retail sellers like and so on sell svg files that are quite defective. In the case of getting an SVG that has open vectors return it and get your money back. If that is not possible you can edit the file in CC and eventually find and close all the open vectors.

What I did in the past was to find any image on google and the bring it in to the free open source Inkscape. I would convert a bit map image to an svg. That works well but you have to play around with the settings or you get open vectors or duplicate lines and vectors.

So you can pay for defective images or create your own defective images for free. I opt for free.

I still use Inkscape but I bought Affinity Photo and Design and create SVG images in those applications. You can create your own custom graphics and output them as SVG.

Lastly I hope you have security software on your computer. There are a hot of honey pot sites that offer free files that are in fact malicious sites. Everything you search for on google is not vetted and there are many sites I have clicked on that my Norton security software stopped me from going to.


If you take care to pick simple designs, you can use .png files in Carbide Create (CC) to create your own .svg files. The conversion in CC is good at making clean .svg files.


  1. Find the .png bitmap that you want to use.
  2. Open CC and select .png bitmap file using trace button
  3. Press trace in the trace dialogue box
  4. Transfer .svg file to CC work space
  5. Create toolpath
  6. Carve

Open CC and select trace tool (highlighted in red)

Selected PNG file to trace will appear inside trace dialogue box

Press button in Trace dialogue box

Traced file will be shown with red highlight around it

Press OK to transfer .svg file to work space

Toolpath creation


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