Sweepy Pro Feedback and Improved Instructions


First time posting here. I finally managed to get the Sweepy Pro installed on my Shapeoko this weekend. Loving it so far. Just wanted to include my thoughts on the installation process and the installation instruction pdf, since I think there is some room for improvement.

  • Page numbers - as someone who usually prints out the instructions, page numbers are helpful, especially when bouncing back and forth between pages trying to figure out part names and whatnot.

  • Add some numbers to identify the parts being referenced in the instructions - for example, on page 4, it mentions using the 2 M5x10mm screws provided. The problem is, there are 2 sets of M5x10mm screws, one with a socket head, one with a button head. Which ones should I be using? I figured it out eventually, but some part numbers would make it a non-issue. Later on when the instructions are referencing slider supports and dust boot supports and ball screw supports and a bunch of part names, simple part numbers would also help simplify things there as well. I don’t know all the part names off the top of my head. It’s doable, but could be improved.

  • Keep the instructions for a given step on the same page as the image/illustration - It gets pretty annoying reading the instructions for something, looking at the image on the page and it not making sense, realizing the image being referenced is actually on the next page, then having to keep 2 pages side by side at all times in order to follow along instead of just a single page with the instructions and image on the same page.

  • Installing the upper dust hose support is a pain - just wanted to get that off my chest

  • Threadlock - The instructions required it at several points. Not sure if it was supposed to be included in the kit or not, but I never got it.

  • Hose clamps - I know the 2.5" section of hose is pretty short and I’m pretty sure it probably wouldn’t cause any issues, but just leaving some 2.5" hose attached without some clamps doesn’t seem right to me. Might be overkill, but I added some, just for my own peace of mind.

  • Upper hose support - seems a little too flexible to me, but I haven’t run the machine long enough to see if it will be an issue. I think I would prefer to see something a little more rigid, but that’s just my .02.

Overall, I think the Sweepy Pro is great and I’m looking forward to using it even more in the coming months. The feedback here is meant to be constructive. You guys create some awesome stuff, and if my thoughts and feedback can help you all continue to improve I’d love to do that.

I’ve also attached some improved instructions. I took the pdf that you guys included for the Sweepy Pro, made most of the improvements that I mentioned above, and have attached it here. Maybe it can help someone else, or maybe it can give you some ideas for possible improvements. Hope it helps.

sweepy-pro-s5-instructions-improved.pdf (1.6 MB)



C3D makes great machines and has pretty good customer service. However in the years here on the forum the Achilles heel has been documentation. Will Adams has made a lot of things available on his own but are not necessarily the official documentation of C3D. Will does a fantastic job of explaining things but the documentation has always been poor at C3D. C3D is a small company but they need to get a technical writer involved in the process. As a past technical the creator of a product is not always the best person to write the manual. When you are waist deep in a product you do not always have the perspective of an end user.

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