Ok, so after years of using Bcnc, I’m open to a change. UGS seems popular, and after getting it setup on my new Pi4, I’ll try it. I also was able to put the new CM on just to try…but honestly I am so used to much more functionality I probably won’t use it.
I WOULD LOVE TO TRY CNCjs…BUT IT WILL NOT WORK. I have repeatedly tried getting this to work and nope. Never installs properly. I’m open to help. I literally open the install guide and copy/past the commands. I get to the cncjs install portion and I just get a string of npm errors the whole time. I’m assuming this guide is old and I’m missing something but I can’t find an easy to follow guide, or for that matter an easy install method that doesn’t require dozens of command line instructions.
I have no intention of running the machine remotely. I have a pi and a screen attached to the enclosure and it will always be run locally. GAHHH!!!
I’ve had the same issues with CNCjs and can’t get it installed on a Raspberry pi after numerous attempts. I even tried the PwnCNC script that should make it super easy (and error free) but still ran into the same problems. I’d say CNCjs needs to have a similar experience to Octoprint for 3d printers to really broaden its appeal and user base.
Yeah I’m giving up on CNCjs. Until they can create something streamline like the Carbide motion distribution of ANYTHING usable they’ll have to get a negative review from me. I can’t get this node thing to work. I’m getting locked directory errors, unlinking errors. I’ve lived in Windows for too long to deal with this stuff. I love the pis, and have them all over the place but never dealt with software this deeply rooted in random installs.
I somehow missed this one.
I don’t know all that much about linux, but I was trying to think of the easiest way to do this.
Remember, CNCjs is really meant to use the pi as a headless server. I’ve run headless on a pi and with the desktop “App” on various Windows machines.
Ok, so what I’d try (maybe I’ll do this after I finish this post) is start with v1pi’s so easy to use image. Then I’d install the desktop gui and chrome. Then I’d connect to the local CNCjs server from chrome. I’m not sure how it’ll go, but I think it should work.
Thanks for this! I was finally able to get it running using this method. Still baffled that the install instructions on the CNCjs page have so many issues.
Nice! Was trying to use the instructions from CNCjs and getting a wall of errors. Will try this tomorrow.
Two things though…
How do I setup a share that I can read from both my windows machine and the PI and can I use the cncjs config file from my current windows install on the PI?