I wanted to set up my new wasteboard. I programmed CC to do 3//4 inch holes 2 inches apart. When I run the program, the first hole is only 1/2 in and then the bit goes to the second hole and starts it’s carve at about 1/8 inch above the wasteboard. Here are some pics:
No, I’ve had it for two years. Sometime in July the X axis motor blew up and I got replaced in the X axis motor and the control module. Got everything back together, and I actually carved a small sign for somebody. Then I decided to clean up the machine and put a new wasteboard on. I was just trying to put holes in it for my hold downs. I am thinking that I’m going to have to take off my z-axis motor and check for slippages
Will. Thanks for your help. You promted me to look at the belt and sure enough, it was not as tight as can be. I tightened it and it is running like a champ. THANK YOU!!!
I am going to try to sell this 3XL so i can upgrade to the new 4