A customer wanted to make a plaque out of the actual wood used to break in Taekwondo. This is the actual wood used for breaking, I’m not even sure what kinda wood it is but it’s a little tricky to CNC, it wants to feather or tear out in certain directions. Its also not cut square at all.
Although the video shows the 1st attempt, I had to make another one due to the polyurethane looking terrible. I also used the 30 degree bit on some of the tighter areas that the 60 degree bit was tear out issues.
The customer also wanted to try out a lasered one to see the difference, the customer is also an instructor so I might get more to do.
This post was just a project I had for a friend. He supplied the material. If anything, this was posted to inspire fellow shapeoko members. This wasn’t for commercial gain or self promotion
The Carbide team, fellow members on the forum and even I can help you with any questions on making your own.