Talk to me about adding a laser to my Shapeko

Now that’s something we need to see more details about. I would love to have a rotary axis for my shapeoko!

This rotary (above) is JUST for the Ortur Laser. Adding a 4th axis (See photo) to the Shapeoko is a bit (ok, a lot) more complicated.


At least you have space on the Shapeoko. It’s been a pain on the Nomad because half of the off-the-shelf models are too tall for the X-axis carriage to pass over :confused:

True, so maybe it’s time to add a Shapeoko to your shop? :slight_smile:

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Not enough horizontal space for it :confused:

And I’m just about done adding the 4th axis to the Nomad, hoping to do some 4-axis machining on the weekend :slight_smile:

I’d love to see some photos of your system. Maybe in another post since it’s not really on topic here.

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